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Tara Hoy

My personal journey into natural health started in 1993 as I struggled with infertility, pregnancy loss, bedrest, surgeries, massive weight gain, depression, and exhaustion.  I found amazing beauty and learned so much about life during these times.  My experiences have brought me to a place of wisdom and understanding around the challenges that many women face.  Today as I embrace life and the adventures of homeschooling our three thriving, healthy boys, I am teaching my children to take responsibility for their own health choices through nutrition and emotional education.  I recognize that leading our families’ health often seems overwhelming but know that your journey doesn’t have to be experienced alone. I have learned the keys to building healthy, loving relationships and can be your coach and mentor as you discover your authentic self and realize the importance of loving and honouring yourself. Connect with me to learn the importance of mastering all aspects of your health to create your perfect day everyday! Understand how stress can cause “issues in your tissues” such as inflammation, crystallization, and calcification, and how you can work with your body. Get ready to make things fun for your family, focus your intention, and forge the most beautiful relationships in the amazing adventure that is your life. I look forward to working with you to open your eyes to the beauty of health everyday!


products & services

Healing Families Together

We understand where you are coming from, where you want to go and how to get you there. We guarantee you will be successful because of our unique four-pillar healing platform. We value every question and every phone call; we are here to help and support you along your journey.


nutritional consultation

Our consultations are designed for those who are committed to living life to the fullest. We promise to give you the care you need and the guidance you deserve to master your own health. If you want to create change, then you must be that change.

wolfe deep tissue

Wolfe Deep Tissue is the most powerful bodywork ever developed, based on the knowledge, excellence and precise techniques that Dr. Darrell Wolfe has developed over 35 years. We treat the so-called un-treatable. Where other therapies fail, Wolfe Deep Tissue succeeds.

wolfe non-surgical

Wolfe Non-Surgical stands alone when it comes to treating the pelvic area, abdomen, breasts and face. No other treatment goes deeper when it comes to chronic tissue and organ problems or delivers such long-lasting results when it comes to eliminating pain and tissue restoration.


$25 - $450
Create the perfect day for the perfect life by gently detoxifying your entire body. Become pain-free, lose weight, restore your natural flora & immune system. Our products are all-natural, organic, non-GMO and come from the purest sources on the market.




Fort St James, BC

I believe that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you
— Joyce Meyer

get in touch! Call (250) 617-9679

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